Saturday 28 January 2012

Prints two and three

Now that I've learnt how to CMYK print I've thought I may as well keep going with it and theoretically my Prints should get better. With my first print I thought it ended up a bit too greeny, this may have been because the cyan was too strong so with my second print I added more magenta paint to mixer compared to the other three colours but annoyingly think all the prints became a bit too pink and also my levelling each layer was shocking, shows what happens when in a rush and trying to get things finished for an assessment.

Print 2: Rocks

So when it came to making up my third print I took the whole day to do it properly, and using the acetate to line up every single layer and I feel that it really shows. My third set of prints are a lot more lined up and clear and crisp and so because I was able to do this I'm defiantly going to do some more. 

Print 3: Rain

I think that a series of 5prints for the journey will be a good amount and so in the mean time I've been thinking of another journey I can record and then print. I can't think of doing another set of prints that aren't of the coastline, and another stretch of railway that is along the coast is when you change trains at St Erth for the branch ling to St Ives. I would love to print the classic shot of St Ives of the Harbour and multi coloured houses but if I remember correctly you can't see them when the train stops at the station at St Ives, but I'm half tempted to do a print of just a photo that I take, and you never know It could be nice for the sets of prints to end on a clean crisp shot showing that I've reached my destination perhaps?

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